Asha Nia Wafer

guiding you on your journey home

movement | mindfulness | writing

Grounded in the belief that coming home to ourselves is our soul’s core mission while inhabiting this physical form, Asha Nia Wafer is a writer, movement teacher and facilitator guiding you on your journey.

— Offerings —

  • Movement

    Using the breath as an entry point to journey inward, together we’ll discover what is present in body, the wisdom that lives there, the emotions that have gotten stuck, the truths that beg to be heard.

  • Mindfulness

    Through understanding our internal landscape we can begin to transform our external reality. Breathwork, mantras, affirmations and journaling prompts for self-knowledge, expansion, and ultimately liberation.

  • Writing

    Sharing weekly-ish messages on self-discovery, spirituality, self and community care, and other inspired content directly to your inbox. Become a free or paid subscriber.

*All offerings can be curated for a private or group experience. Virtual offerings are also available.

Asha is a 200hr certified yoga teacher registered with The Yoga Alliance. Committed to training in inclusive, accessible, decolonized spaces, Asha received her 200hr certification from the Tree Yoga Cooperative, a BIPOC-owned yoga studio in South Central, Los Angeles.

Native to Southern California, Asha has cultivated a deep connection to the natural world. Establishing a harmonious relationship with the wisdom of the elements, ecosystems, and cycles that are designed to support us is a key pillar of her practice.

“Asha is a natural. The highlights I enjoyed most were the soulful playlist (by far the best I’ve ever experienced in a yoga class) and the dedicated time for journaling.” - Nina W.

“Sublime! I left feeling so whole, so restored. The space was judgement free and full of light — Asha is an excellent guide.” - Sidne P.